This master bedroom is bespoke in every single aspect from the hand-embroidered heaboard, mirrored bedposts, the kid leather paneled walls and the television ottoman box.

The main guest room in this house has been kept intentionally neutral, tending toward an almost masculine mood. The velvet, braid and button headboard is typically upscaled for the purposes of improving the proportions of the architecture.

A distinctly feminine concept was put into play for a master bedroom in order to use this floral fabric on the walls. The client fell in love with it, and I knew it would have to be treated carefully to avoid any chance of design overkill - therefore each section of floral fabric is banded by a plain fabric and framed with an antique gold braid.

This headboard is designed to be as personal and comfortable as possible, and understated against the simple backdrop of two neutral fabrics being used together to form a stripe that is edged by braid and stud finish.

I am known for designing headboards on a larger scale than is normal, and the sheer size has a miraculous effect in a bedroom as the proportion of an upscaled headboard defines the sleeping area by bringing a sense of enclosure and privacy to an area within the room. Here I have intentionally crashed together the clashing tones of red velvet, damask and brocade, but they work in combination with one another because the divisional lines of gold fringe and braid give each tone of red its own breathing space.

Building up and ultimately creating the right levels of texture in a room relies on many different techniques that work together. I create rooms where your eye sees and can almost feel the comfort before you touch.

Using the right combination of scale, texture and colour is an art critical to creating the layer and levels of comfort so the room appeals to all the senses. Every detail and aspect of the design shown here are originals, from the embroidered headboards to the covers and cushions.

While this room reflects a level of grandeur with its treasure-filled nature, it is comfortable and inviting and, ultimately a home. The main room is divided by well-proportioned furniture to create areas for sitting, sleeping, dining and working. By using the boldness of scale in the form of the handsomely sized four-poster bed, your eye has been tricked in a way that it isn't necessarily conscious of and the room therefore appears essentially greater in size than it is.

The master bedroom walls in this London home have a unique quality - each section has been upholstered in soft, off-white kid leather, which is surrounded by a narrow glass slip that has been edged with a decorative gilded coral pattern.